tirsdag den 6. december 2011


Hello, world!
This is my attempt at getting myself to write about something, anything, every day.  I've had blogs before.  Oh yes, I have had blogs before.  But the two I currently have (other than this one) are a ten year-old LiveJournal account and a Wordpress account.  The LiveJournal blog is a personal one, and the Wordpress blog is reserved mostly for writing about my research.  I imagine this new blog as a repository for interests that are mostly not researchy, and a receptacle for experiences that are mostly not uberpersonal.  In other words, I want to blog about that the things and people and places that span the space between my research and my personal life.  It's not that these things and people and places don't influence both those other mini-worlds, but rather that I am sort of tired of writing all about research or all about my personal life.  In other words, I want to attend to those things that make my life mine.  This blog is a place for me to record all the little things that fascinate me, and which I sometimes need to remember more.  
I'm looking forward to creating this virtual scrapbook, & if you are reading this, I hope you enjoy it too!